Starting with meditation
'To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one’s mind - this is the teaching of the Buddha.' Meditation has been scientifically proven to have many health benefits, like reduced anxiety and better emotional health. While this is great, many people struggle with incorporating meditation in their daily routines. Even though it takes some effort to adopt new habits, there’s one thing at play that doesn’t like meditation. This is the mind. But why the mind hates meditation? So, I won’t deny that experienced meditators won’t have too much trouble meditating whenever they want, because the wise part of their thinking mind has become dominant. However, the average Joe, myself included often experiences a mind that’s overly active: eager to solve puzzles, analyze past events and calculate future possibilities, no matter if it’s past midnight. A mind is a precious tool. Yet when it’s out of control, it can be a destructive monster as well. The quality of our thoughts ...