Some Indian laws for animals

1. High Court passed an order asking the police to provide protection to dogs and dog feeders and has made it a PUNISHABLE OFFENCE IN CASE ANYONE RESTRICTS, PROHIBITS OR CAUSES INCONVENIENCE TO ANY PERSON FEEDING A STREET DOG OR RESORTS TO REMOVAL OR DISLOCATION OR KILLING A DOG. 2. SECTION 503:- Indian Penal Code 1860, provides that intimidation is a criminal offence which is cognizable. ANYONE WHO THREATENS OR INTIMIDATES ANY PERSON TAKING CARE OF DOGS IS LIABLE FOR CRIMINAL INTIMIDATION UNDER SECTION 503 OF INDIAN PENAL CODE AND CAN BE ARRESTED WITHOUT A WARRANT. 3. SECTION 506:- IT IS A CRIME TO THREATEN, ABUSE OR HARASS NEIGHBOURS WHO FEED ANIMALS. 4. I.P.C. Section 428 and 429 provides SEVERE PUNISHMENT (up to 5 years imprisonment)TO PEOPLE RESORTING TO DISLOCATION, ABDUCTION, AND ACTS OF CRUELTY towards community animals or pets. 5. Delhi Police act 1968, sections 73 to 79, 99 gives special powers to police to take action when an animal offence has been committed. ...