Rise of AI and job losses

We have seen an exponential growth and mindblowing innovations in the technology sector in last few decades. It seems like we have future filled with astonishingly exciting new technologies. And along with these new technologies we will have a bunch of new opportunities. Future looks bright, isn't it? I have some concerns here. We have heard those jobs that did not exist a decade back such as vlogger (YouTuber), Social media manager, Uber-Driver, App-Developer. etc. The technological advances brought us most of these new jobs. In this post, I want to talk about some of those jobs that we may see disappear due to the next leap in technology, which would be driven by artificial intelligence (AI). According to a study done at Oxford University, 45% of all current jobs will disappear in the next decade with some of them being completely automated or at least enhanced so that only a fraction of the workforce is required. Let's look at some of the jobs that will radicall...